Friday, October 5, 2007

First Second post in this blog


Starting a blog . Got the idea from VC . That guy is the coolest! Well this is the second post in this blog and so far it has been very dull. Trust me .. it wont be dull often !

Chemistry says
" VC is a chemical combination of V( visual ) and C ( compilation ) .. which is in equal propositions produce a genuine VC++ programmer "

Physics says
" The centre of attraction for all in a class and the center of attraction to himself is VC "

and more subject defines him by its own way !

Lets not bother about the defns !!

VC - he is our new google ambassador ..
a stand up 9 pointer !!
genuine C and C++ programmer ...

hmm .. the name suggests he is a wonderful person to know about
i already feel the post is silly or otherwise.
lets hope we see a little more of sense of humour in our other posts following !

the actual post spoofed is

to VC !!


hi frnds

this blog is dedicated to all Vijay Chidambaram s fans
this blog is not meant to hurt him or his fans .. but to make a little of fun
amidst his busy schedule we hope he enjoys the posts in the blog

to VC !!